women's spinal energetics
It is a massive privilege to offer Spinal Energetics sessions at the Wild Luna Yoga Studio in Hemel Hempstead, following my training with the founder, Dr Sarah Jane
This process weaves Eastern mysticism + philosophy with Western sciences + psychology together, to work with a person's inner wisdom to open the door to a profound path of remembering one's true self
You are not just a physical entity, but a vibrant tapestry of energy infused with your life experiences, so this treatment works way beyond the body but uses the spine as the access point, the portal in to that inner magick
Your incredible, beautiful body stores tension as a response to events that have happened in your life outside of your window of tolerance that present as fixations along the spine where our nervous system operates from
Spinal Energetics allows you to connect to the root cause of that stored tension + for the body to unwind in its own way, in its own time
You can connect to the innate wisdom, intelligence + intuition of your amazing body's ability to let go + heal itself

As the energy unfolds, the bound tensions + stories unveil themselves as the body realigns + integrates. The release of movement + sound tapped into during these sessions emanates from the individual's intrinsic instincts. This response is initiated by the treatment​ but it is not merely an act performed a person. It is the facilitation of the client to enable them to organically connect to their own power
It is all about this connection - you may find small or expansive movement on the treatment bed, you may drop into shaking, but it can also be as subtle yet as life changing with just a change in breath, an outpouring of sound, or tears, you may have visions or things just "clicking into place"​
So many of us are doing the work, we are -sometimes frustratingly- overly aware of something needing to change but we can't seem to make those shifts, emotionally or physically​
Spinal Energetics supports clients to awaken a profound self-awareness, soften resistance or strengthen submissive patterns + be able to make that change. One session alone can have a dramatic + long lasting impact but the more we experience this process, the quicker we are to drop into the release + allow the body + nervous system to take over + unwind
​Our nervous system is unique to us + reflects our experiences that we have endured + creates context for the way we respond in our lives day to day. Spinal Energetics is unique that it works with the nervous system through the energetic field, which is why it is such a powerful treatment
Pregnancy/ Postpartum
We advise that Spinal Energetics is unsuitable during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.
We highly advise that pregnant women in their second trimester only receive Spinal Energetics from a practitioner that is also a physiotherapist, GP or chiropractor.
Although this modality is generally considered safe, and alterations to processes can be made, rare cases may release trauma or a strong emotional response, which we don’t recommend during these listed terms.
Spinal Energetics is not suitable for children under 12 years of age. Children between 13-18 need to have a guardian present during treatment.
Spinal Energetics practitioners can treat clients up to the age of 75. Clients between the ages of 70 and 75 should be treated with extra caution. It is up to the practitioner's discretion to determine these clients' mobility capabilities and assess if they can cope with treatment.
Every new client must fill out a new client form and sign their consent for their Spinal Energetics practitioner to proceed with treatment. 

The following conditions must not be treated by Spinal Energetics:
Each client is obligated to be honest in their new client forms and reveal all relevant conditions to their practitioner. It is then the practitioner's duty of care not to treat these clients and refer them to a specialist who is equipped to advise them.
Diagnosed Severe PTSD 

Severe mental health conditions (bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis) 

Currently taking heavy medications that alters brain chemistry (large doses/multiple anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, antipsychotics)
Recent physical injuries, fractures and/or surgeries
Currently experiencing epileptic episodes (absence seizure epilepsy is not a contraindication)
History or diagnosis of aneurysms 

Cardiovascular problems 

History of seizures 

Severe Asthma 

Heart disease 

Heart conditions 

Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition, emotional crisis, or spiritual emergence within the past three years
Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions that would impair or affect their ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release. 

Sacred Spinal Groups are now ready to be booked onto! View the next one here - 17th December 7:30-9pm, Wild Luna Studio
Black Magick Friday offerings, click here for the Calisoma Package with a Spinal sesh, or use code "BlackMagick" for

A 60 minute session of Spinal Energetics
In Wild Luna Studio
3 x 60 minute session of Spinal Energetics
Book in your first one, next two will be booked in with Becci
1:2:1/Couple's 60 minute session
This is a booking for two people at the same time